Brazil Fencing Club VR

Venue of Brazil Fencing Club VR

You were hoping to get in some foil fencing practice tonight. Unfortunately, your club is closed...

But you have another option. You could fence with the Brazil Fencing Club, located in the exotic lands of Brazil. What? South America? No... This Brazil is located in the foil fencing capital of the world: Indiana.

Welcome to Brazil Indiana's Fencing Club. We never close. We have fencers practicing at our club 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Anyone anywhere can fence with this club. No long car trips necessary. This is because our club only exists in virtual reality! Hope you will join us at practice today.

The Brazil Fencing Club has nine Hoosier foil fencers ready to challenge you. Test your fencing skills and see if they hold up against these wacky fencers. Use actual real-world fencing skills (like beat attacks, disengages, parry ripostes, and more) in a virtual reality game that closely simulates real-world foil fencing.

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Update Notes for Version 1.09.113 (Released Sept 2024):

Update Notes for Version 1.08.112 (Released Sept 2024):

New Weapons:

Added several new weapon models that can be earned by winning competition bouts:

Note: Despite the addition of épées and a saber, this remains a foil fencing game.

Weapon Selection:

Once earned, your weapons can be changed by selecting them from the wooden weapon stands on the back wall while the game is displaying the selection menu at the end of the opponent's side of the strip.

Footwork Speed Adjustment:

The controller footwork speed has been adjusted to match your real footwork speed. You will now need to advance and retreat on the fencing piste while the game times you.

Weapon/VR Controller Offset Adjustment:

You can now adjust your weapon/VR controller offset for multiple purposes:

New Settings:

Bug Fixes:


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We do not collect any personal information. Our software does not share any information with anyone including us. This website is too simple to use cookies.

Why does your app contains (insert name of software library here)?

Our app was built with a game development framework called AppGameKit. This framework contains several features that are not used in our app.

Some of the unused libraries that may be found in our app:
*Google Ads (but we don't use it, no Ads)
*Game Center (but we don't use it)
*ChartBoost (again, not used)
*Amazon Ads (still no ads being used.)